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Speaking In Tongues
"Speaking in Tongues" is a two-channel video. On the right side of the channel, a thread of black yarn is being omitted from the mouth of a performer, while on the left channel, it seems as if the same yarn is enigmatically being weaved into a circular form. The video is a reflection upon all those voices that are being silenced before they could weave the tapestry of their own story. Inspired by Philomela (from Ovid’s Metamorphosis volume - 648, Tereus, Procne, Philomela) and thinking of Jyoti Singh(Nirbhaya case), 2013 India.
A still from the video Speaking in Tongues, 2013
An installation view, an ipad play the video on loop, a crochet piece hanging from the wall, Seven Art Gallery, New Delhi
Detail of an installtion, black wool crochet circle ,Gift of Tongue, SevenArt, NewDelhi,2013
An extract from the video - : Speaking in Tongues" 2013
Hetal Chudasama
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