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Speaking In Tongues

"Speaking in Tongues" is a two-channel video. On the right side of the channel, a thread of black yarn is being omitted from the mouth of a performer, while on the left channel, it seems as if the same yarn is enigmatically being weaved into a circular form. The video is a reflection upon all those voices that are being silenced before they could weave the tapestry of their own story. Inspired by Philomela (from Ovid’s Metamorphosis volume - 648, Tereus, Procne, Philomela) and thinking of Jyoti Singh(Nirbhaya case), 2013 India.

A still from the video Speaking in Tongues, 2013
An  installation view, an ipad play the video on loop, a crochet piece hanging from the wall, Seven Art Gallery, New Delhi
Installation view, black wool crochet circle ,Gift of Tongue, SevenArt, NewDelhi,2013
Extract from the video  Speaking in Tongues" 2013

Hetal Chudasama

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